There were still a fair number of bees in #1.
The girls had done a good job of cleaning the stickies that I put on earlier this month and they had already started filling the comb with nectar.
You can see the sun reflecting off the nectar. This had been one of the stickies in #3. I left the super on, so #3 now has two supers.
There were a LOT of drones in both hives. The picture below is from a super frame in #3.
Can you see all the drones? If not, I marked all the ones I could find.
Perhaps one of you compulsive types can figure the percentage of drones.
There were a few frames with a good brood pattern in #2 bottom box. I did not see, nor search carefully for the queen.
We did get nearly 2 gallons of honey. The bees cleaned the extractor for us.
Last week I saw several small bees hanging onto an asparagus berry. All but one had left when I got back with my camera. I am sure one of you wants to identify the species for all of us.