Friday, July 15, 2016

Another split made

A few days ago, I made a walk away split from #2.  That is one without a queen but with a frame with eggs and young larvae as well as 2 frames with capped and emerging brood.  The remaining two frames have honey and pollen.  Four weeks after making the split, I will check for evidence of a laying queen, i.e., eggs or larvae.  As you can see in the above picture, there is no activity at the entrance of the nuc, but it is only 4 days old.  The nurse bees are still in the box.
This is looking into the nuc through a vent hole.  The propolis was built mostly by previous occupants.
Speaking of propolis, I sold 8 ounces of my extract to a local health food store!  Julie's attractive labels helped.
I did have some help making the split.  A couple of weeks ago I got a call from Tony, a neighbor of Roberta's.  He just started keeping bees this year and had some questions.  I went to his home to look into his hive and met Damara, a friend of his and a first year beek.  They came over to visit my apiary and help to assemble the nuc.