I used the pry scale today: #1-45 lbs; #2-45 lbs; #3-39 lbs. Afterwords I decided to spiff up the scale a bit. I took off and shortened the lever and used a router to round the edges. When I took of the pulley arrangement in order to round the edges of the base, one of the end pieces fell off. The cutting board, from which the base derived, had been held together with a
tongue and groove joint. I suppose that the pressure from levering was too much for the tongue. So now, I needed a new base.
Looking around for a plank 6-inches wide, I thought of the old planks from the fence. Although quite
weather worn I was certain one would suffice.
Some sawing, drilling, re-drilling, adjusting, sanding and screwing, et voila!
Note my fine routeing on the lever |
This model also works and is a bit lighter.
(I hope)