Sunday, December 16, 2018

Nuc moved in preparation for Spring

As I was thinking ahead to spring, I thought it would be good to move the nuc to the position the colony would eventually occupy.  I thought it would be too disruptive if they were moved and put into a deep box at one time.  I had been planning to to this for some time, but I wanted to do it early in the morning before the foragers were out.  I frequently awaken early enough but do not remember to do it.  Yesterday I wrote myself a reminder, and this morning, awake and up at 5 AM, I saw the note.
Suited up when it was just getting light, I moved the nuc to spot #3.  I covered the door with a piece of wood as I carried the surprisingly heavy box across the yard.
I placed some grass (cut a couple of days ago in preparation) across the entrance to encourage the foragers to reorient.
Also, rain is expected today and this will help keep them in the hive.  See section 3 of this link.  I will be checking around the old nuc site to see if a lot of foragers go there.
Later that day, a few foragers had landed on the nuc stand. 

I saw a bee fanning with its Nasonov gland at the nuc's entryway, so I moved the stand and bees near the box.