Sunday, March 14, 2021

Apiary update, and a bit about pickleball

 It feels and looks like spring here. The bee colonies are starting to expand.  I've but second deep boxes on hives 2&3.  #1 has a deep and a medium and I put a queen excluder and a medium onto it.  I tried excluders last year without a problem, so I'll be using them on all hives, except for the long lang.  I took a look in the hives a couple of days ago and they all look good.  There are a lot of drones, suggesting swarm season is upon us.  I put up the swarm trap, but no visitors as yet.  I lowered the stand for #1&2 and restructured it.  There hives are now on a board which is held up by six ant traps.

As for pickleball:   It is the fastest growing sport in the country.  It is played on a badminton size court with paddles and a perforated plastic ball.  The net is 34" high in the center and 36" high at the posts.  The game is: hit the ball over the net, either volley or after a single bounce.  There are a couple of quirky rules.  The ball has to bounce after the serve and on the return of serve.  There is a 7' deep area on each side of the net which is the non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen.  One cannot hit a volley if in that zone.  Serves are underhand and contact of the serve must be below the waist.  Most people play doubles, although one can play singles.  It is easier on the knees than tennis in that the court is smaller.  It is a very social game.  I suggest you take a look at any of the innumerable videos available online, then go to a local court.  It is likely that you'll be invited to play, at least pre-covid.