Friday, July 15, 2011

Many bees squished. Transplant frame removed.

Went into the hive with Maidi. Unfortunately, several bees got squished between the telescoping lid and the inner cover. When smoking the hive before going in, I lift up the lid and puff a little inside and wait a minute or two. When I lifted the lid, there were at least 100 bees on the outside of the inner cover and many got squished. What were they all doing up there? There usually are a bunch on the inside of the inner cover,and today there were even more.
6-7 of the combs in the super have either brood or honey.
We didn't see the queen, but I won't worry (much). It is not unusual to not see the queen, so I am told. We did see plenty of brood and larvae in the brood box.
I took out the transplanted frame. All the cells were empty except for about a dozen drone cells.

I opened up one of the drone cells and looked at the larva. You can see the opened cell above the larva. There were also some capped honey cells that you can see on the top edges of the left-hand photo.
I saw only 1 Italian. I expect 100% Russians next week or two.
Because 6-7 of the frames in the super were drawn,I added a second medium super.

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