Friday, August 5, 2011

Drone frame progess and new smoker fuel

It was a short inspection today. It was mostly overcast and calm. No comb in the top super. The queen was spotted in the middle super. I only looked at half of the frames, 3 1/2 that I inspected had brood in an excellent pattern. This time the queen stayed in the middle super. I noted where she was and made sure that that spot was centered on the lid. When I put the super back, I pulled the frame she had been on and she was still there, although she crawled off and onto the adjacent frame. She's doing a great job. All the bees in the hive are her daughters.
I used pine needles for smoker fuel today. This is what Kathy uses. It worked great. The smoke seems thicker, too. That's the smoker on the right, some old fuel below it and some pine needles (duh). The old fuel came with the smoker from Dadant and looks like shredded cloth and small bits of wood. The white paper weight is the frame holder. I collected the pine needles from below the tree at the former Hospice at the bottom of Vienna Drive.
I pulled only the drone frame from the brood box. The bees were starting to draw comb in the center.

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