Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bees feeding and comb being drawn

Two days ago, as you recall, I removed the feeder from the old hive.  Here is a photo of the bees still in the feeder looking for sugar syrup.
At the the same time, there was one bee drinking in the new hive.  Today I watched at least three bees go into the feeder at a time;  here are two filling up.  The feeder looks cleaner because it is.  This morning I cleaned both feeders and filtered the syrup (you can see debris in the picture) before putting the feeder back.  I watched them for a few minutes.  When a new bee flew/crawled into the feeder, it would take a while to find the sugar water.  She would walk around the top edge and on the cup tasting the surface with her tongue.  Sometimes one would go back into the hive without finding the syrup.
Single bee feeding yesterday
Two bees drinking today
I looked at the trays below the screened bottom.  Besides the usual debris there was a fair amount of wax flakes.  That means the bees have to be making wax and are presumably drawing new comb.

Wax flakes on tray top below screened bottom
Even though the populations are small, they seem healthy.  I expect they'll grow, but unless they grow remarkably,  I'll go ahead with the (ordered) nucs.

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