Saturday, June 28, 2014

Animal helpers

Since trying to clean up the cross combing in #3 at the end of May I have had a bunch of sticky comb sitting in a large pot. Before I could  process it in the solar melter, I had to get all the sticky off, so I put the pot in the yard for the bees to clean, which they did in two days.  Here they are, hard at work.

I had removed the drone frame from #2 last week.  After leaving the frame in the freezer over night, I put it out to be cleaned by the birds and the bees.  The jays really like to eat the pupae and the bees remove all the sticky
Hive #1 looks like it is failing.  I inspected two days ago (yes, it was a couple of days earlier than initially planned).  There only capped drone cells and no queen seen.  I'm afraid there may be a laying worker.  However, hope springs eternal- I saw one capped queen cell.  Once again, time will tell.  I did put the entrance reducer in because the colony is not very strong.
#2 still looks strong.  I found the queen on the drone frame in the upper brood box.  There was a lot of capped brood in the bottom box.  There were a lot of drones running around.  Oddly, there was brood on the frame facing the edge of the hive.
Visible foundation is on frame behind
#3 has nothing new in the super.  The girls are making honey in the irregular comb on the foundationless frames in the top brood box.  There was a lot of drone brood on one of the foundationless frames in the top brood box.  I tried using my new scratcher to remove the pupae.  It is not as easy to do as I had been led to believe from reading internet postings.  Mostly I just squished comb and brood.  I did manage to extract a score or so of pupae and saw one mite. 

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