Tuesday, September 16, 2014

#1 down to one box

There are subjectively fewer bees in #1, although still a fair number.  I did see many wax moth larva in the tray but saw no damage in the hive.
Because the population had diminished, I removed the top brood box.  I selected frames with no comb or the least nectar/honey/pollen and removed them, combining the remaining frames in a single box.  There was one frame that had some capped drone cells, so it seems another worker has started laying.  I removed that frame as well.  I leaned it against the bridge while I checked the honey production in #2 and 3.  (There is still room in the supers for more honey.)  When I went to put things away I discovered a cloud of bees around the frame, eating the nectar and honey.
Capped drone cells in middle and feeding bees at the ends
I will leave the frames out until it cools off this evening.
 This is from later on.  The bees have chewed open and eaten all the capped honey on the frame.

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