Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall inspection report

Last week, when Jay and Cathy were visiting, Jay and I took a look into #3.  Unfortunately, no pictures were taken.  We were surprised to see nectar in the super (previously a sticky).  I wonder what flowers are providing where the nectar; it could be the cascading rosemary in our yard.  The foragers are also going south over the fence.  There were a couple of frames with capped honey in the top deep box and lots of brood and larvae in the bottom box.  We did not spot the queen.  We did not see any drones; presumably they have been ejected for the coming winter.
Today I went into #2.  There was no nectar in the super, so when I put the hive back together I put the bee escape board in and will remove the super tomorrow.  There were several frames with capped honey in the top deep as well as pollen and a small patch of capped brood.  There were still quite a few drones about.  I saw the queen in the bottom box where there also was a moderate amount of brood, no drone cells.
Both colonies look like they are doing well.  I plan to make at least one split in the spring.  If I can figure out how to populate the top bar hive with a split, I will do that.  Otherwise I may buy a package of Carniolans for the Olea hive.
No pictures from these inspections, but here is a picture of two honeys visiting the vortex hive last summer

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