Thursday, April 30, 2015

I hope to someday know what I am doing

Today I went into #3 to see how it is doing and to swap out the drone frame.  This is the hive from which a made the brush swarm for Olea's.  11 days ago, which was 4 weeks after making the shook swarm, I saw larvae, so I figured everything was ok.
Today, however, I saw only capped worker cells and no larvae or eggs.  I did not see the queen, either.  There were lots of drones, especially in the honey supers and a few capped drone cells.
There were a fair number of drones in the deep box as well.  There were apparently empty cells in the brood frames.  Perhaps there were eggs that I could not see, but with no larvae seen, I fear something's amiss.  I emailed Kathy Niven to ask her advice.
I was told that five of my queen grafts that I made at Davis developed into queen cells.  One of the other students, from Paso Robles, took them.
While I was looking for the queen, a piece of honeycomb broke off one of the foundationless frames.  There was more honeycomb under where it had been.  I tried it- yum!
Pen for size

As in hive #2, there was no wax drawn onto the drone frame.  So I searched on the net fro problems with plastic foundation.  Sure enough- if plastic foundation has been scraped of old comb (which mine had), the bees will not draw comb on it until it has been re-coated.  This can be done in a number of ways.  I think I will put the wax onto the frame and use a hairdryer to melt it.

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