Friday, November 13, 2015

Rest assured, #2 is queenright

The thermometer hit 62 this afternoon, so I thought it would be ok to take a look into #2 in order to see if it was truly queenright.  A couple of weeks ago I had seen no larvae and no queen, but I was certain I had seen an egg, albeit only one.
The bees of both #1 & 2 were just finishing their orientation flights (as pictured above).  The top box was still pretty heavy, but I did not look into it.  In the bottom box I saw capped brood and larvae of various ages.  So even though I did not see the queen, I know she is in there doing her job.
I then took a look into the tray and it had many wax moth larvae in it.  After I cleaned out the disgusting creatures, I checked the two other trays and there were no wax moth larvae.  However, in #3 there was a pile of wax moth droppings piled up against one side like snow drifts.  So I took a quick look into just the top box and it was clear.  I figure the moths are in the bottom box and the bees know how to take care of them, I hope.

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