Thursday, January 12, 2017

Can this nuc be saved?

Today the rain stopped and it warmed up a bit, so I was able to take a look into the nuc.  I made this nuc as a walk away split last July using #2 as a source.  The nuc seemed to be thriving and I had intended to use it this spring to replace the lost #1.
However, over the past 1-2 weeks I noticed decreased activity at the entrance and was awaiting an opportune time to inspect.  It was not quite 60 degrees this afternoon but I took a look.
There were not a lot of bees, only a hand-sized cluster on 2-3 frames.  There was no honey, no pollen and no brood, only empty cells (with a scattering of crystallized honey).  I did see the queen, though.
What to do?  They obviously needed resources and fortunately I still have some pollen patties.  I got one and put it on top of the frames.
Next, carbohydrates.  Unfortunately the entrance feeder does not fit in the nuc doorway.  Fortunately I have some inside feeders given to me by Bruce.  One of them had a cap and ladders and is a double frame size, too big for the nuc.  The single frame feeders have no cap.  I could use them, but I do not like the idea of some bees drowning.  So I did what Eddie would have done- I made it myself.
I took the ladders (plastic mesh tubes) and cut them to be the correct length and then made a "cap" from aluminum foil, using cellophane tape to hold down the edges.
I filled it with 2:1 sugar syrup and replaced one of the outside frames with it.
Perhaps the nuc will survive.  If not, I will be making 2 or 3 splits this spring.

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