Friday, May 19, 2017

Necessity is the mother of invention

As you faithful readers know, Olea's hive was in need of treatment for mites.  I wanted to use the formic acid Mite-away Quick strips and need to figure out a way to put them into the box.  One beek had said in a forum that she had hung the strips from a rescue bar.  What is a rescue bar, I wondered.  Well, it is a bar from which one can hang a broken comb.  (We all occasionally break off a comb in a top bar hive.  I have done so more than once.)  I did a search and found one described and pictured.  Just now I found this site which goes into much more detail.
I got two top bars and wrapped wire around them with an end below and perpendicular to the bar.
Top bars ready with wires and unopened MAQ pack
Then into the hive.  First I took out the two last bars, one of which was bare and the other a small bit of comb.  I also removed a spacer to allow room for the wires (ultimately I had to remove three spacers).  The bees had reattached the comb to the wall in the four days since I was last in  So I had to cut the comb from the walls and move each bar down.  Since there was honey near the walls, things soon got sticky with lots of bees flying around and landing on my gloves and hive tool.  Finally I got to bar 8, where I had decided to place the first MAQ.  I cut open the pack and hung one strip from the hanger.
Just before the MAQ tore through
The strip tore through by its own weight.  I bent the wires into more of a U-shape and hung it again.
It seemed ok, so I quickly put it into the hive.  The strips are long enough that the end is very close or resting on the bottom, so I figure if it tears off, it will still stay vertical.  I slid the bars back as snugly as I could and then placed the second strip at bar 12, then slid all the bars over.  There was a gap of about 1/2 inch between the last bar and the back of the box.
I will take out the strips in a week or so and do another alcohol was in about a month.  Let us hope for the best.

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