Sunday, April 22, 2018

Olea's hive casts an afterswarm

This afternoon, while putting in drip emitters, a loud buzzing caused me to look up.  Bees were pouring out of Olea's hive....again.  The swarm clustered about 30 feet from the hive on the vines behind the apple trees.
The cluster as seen from the lawn

A closer view of the cluster
A secondary swarm, or afterswarm, is different from the primary in a couple of ways.  Firstly, it is smaller, and secondly, it has a virgin queen.  This means it takes longer for the queen to start laying in the new hive; a couple of weeks as opposed to as soon as comb is drawn.  (By the way, two days ago I looked into the nuc with the primary swarm.  There was new drawn comb and some capped brood.)

After I had made sure that the bees stayed in the box, I put in 5 frames and moved it next to the first swarm. 
If it survives, I will have two nucs, the number I want.  Future swarms, if any, will go to a fellow beek.

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