Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Divider boards for the Langstroth hive.

I was contemplating the details of moving the nuc colony into a full-sized deep box when I came to the realization that I just needed to make the deep box smaller in a way that would also allow for expansion.  I gave some thought to how about doing so, then looked on the internet.  No need to reinvent the wheel!
I cut a top bar in half length-wise and used the wedge from it to make spacers.  Then using some wood I had lying around, I made two divider boards.
The divider boards showing the two sides

How they will go into a deep box.  The frames go between, of course.
Now on the the next warmish day I will transfer the five frames from the nuc into a deep box.  If it looks crowded I will also add a frame or two of drawn comb.
The bees in the top bar hive have built a comb on the extra bar I put in some time ago.  As of now, it is not covered with bees, but when it is I will add another bar.

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