Friday, June 5, 2020

Trying something new, part I

Hive #3 has continued not to thrive.  On inspection a couple of days ago, it looked the population had actually decreased.  The bees were only on the lateral 4 combs in both brood boxes and there was not much honey in the super.  There was capped brood and I did spot the queen.  There were a couple of frames with dead drone brood and no nurse bees.  I decided that I would combine this hive with #2. 
But, as expected, there are a problem that must be solved.  #2 consists of 2 deep boxes and 2 mediums.  #3 has one deep and 2 mediums.  Simply stacking the boxes would create a ridiculously high and unworkable tower.  So the number of boxes has to be reduced.  A project I started today.
The super in #3 had 3 frames with honey.  I switched these 3 frames into #2's super; one box down.  I then looked for the queen in #2, but could not find her.  I put the queen excluder between the deep and medium.  There is capped brood in the super which will emerge in the next 10 or so days.  At that point, I can shake the bees out of the super and combine the remaining deep with #2.  If it turns out that the queen is in the medium box, the process will be the same.  I would, in the latter case, probably put the medium frames into a deep box so there will be room for all the bees.
It kind of sounds like I know what I'm doing.  Don't be fooled!

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