Friday, September 23, 2011

Whats happening to all that sugar syrup?

I made a quick inspection today. I wanted to see 1) how much honey was being made, 2) what the bees were doing with all the syrup they've been eating, and 3) if they have drawn comb on the new frame that was placed 10 days ago.
In the top super, there was liquid, probably sugar water in the frames just below the feeder. These are the frames I moved from the middle super a few weeks ago. They had brood then; now just nectar.
The middle super felt pretty heavy. (Remember, the bees need 30-40 pounds of honey over the winter.) I pulled out one frame that was full of capped honey. I didn't look at any more, but by the weight, I think they're doing well.
I pulled out the new frame from the brood box- no comb drawn.
The girls were calm and happy.
I'm learning a lot from The Biology of the Honeybee. More of that will come later.

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