Saturday, December 3, 2011

Heavy winds

Strong winds were blowing two days ago. I had read that the tops of hive can be blown off, so I went out and put a stone on top. The girls all stayed home because of the wind, but today they are back out. They are bringing in a bright yellow pollen. Soon the eucalyptus will be in bloom (I think already there is a little). That pollen is white, so I'll keep an eye out for that.
Every morning there are a few dead bees on the porch, but a few days ago, there were over a dozen. I saw that two had pollen on their legs (you can see one in the center). That meant that they had been foraging, and I immediately thought of insecticide exposure. That is one thing that can wipe out the colony, so I was worried. Nothing could be done except wait. As noted above, they are buzzing and apparently healthy today and no unusual increase in bee corpses.
I spotted a robber bee trying to get in, so I replaced the entrance reducer.

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