Monday, November 28, 2011

Varroa treament done

I went in today and removed the Mite-away quick strips.  They looked pretty dried out.  I examined the sticky board and made a rough count of 150 mites.  Over 7 days, that's only 20+ per day.  So, was treatment necessary?  Was it helpful?  I certainly don't know.
There is a lot of honey, 6 full frames in the top super and 8 in the middle.  I was tempted to take out a frame for a taste treat but refrained.
Now I'm thinking ahead to spring.  I want to start another Langstroth hive as well as Olea's top bar hive.  I plan to split my colony to make the Langstroth and to try to capture a swarm for the top bar.  I've been reading about how to split a hive.  Several sources say to take the divided hive 3-5 miles away from the original.  I don't think I'll be doing that; I intend to ask my mentors about the necessity doing so. I will try to get my name on a couple of swarm notification lists.  I'll be making a trip to the Mountain Feed and Farm Supply for more frames, another medium super and some advice.

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