Saturday, April 28, 2012

Expanding the hive

I was going to wait until next week, but being impatient, I had to to it today.
Expanded hive with Olea's hive
I added a second brood box to the hive. 
I didn't smoke the bees.  I did wear my suit and bee gloves, and a good thing, too.  The bees became very upset when I dropped the current brood box!  I was tilting it upwards in order to remove the entrance remover, when it slipped off my hive tool, dropping about 3/4 inches and banging onto the bottom board.  A few bees got squished and many more started flying around and apparently attacking me.  I then more carefully tilted the box up, took away the entrance reducer and moved the box forward on the bottom board.  It is now even with the front edges, not the back edges as I had placed it initially. (When it is even with the back edge, there will be a 1-1/2 to 2 inch shelf protruding into the hive.)  So now the front porch is even smaller.  I'm considering screwing the ramp onto the front of the hive to make a larger landing site.
Front porch in new arrangement
 At some point, I will also need to paint the newly exposed wood on the back of the bottom board.
Anyway, I moved the now bottom brood box and put the new one on top with its 10 pristine frames.  I then put the two supers and telescoping lid back.
Jeremy Rose said he would supply me with a nuc of  Russian bees.  It won't be ready until the week after next (he wasn't precise on the dates).  I figure I'll drive down to pick it up, and while down that way, stop by Otto and Sons Nursery and pick up a Barbara Bush
We really like this rose (it was the pink with white tips growing next to Karly's window), but it didn't survive being transplanted.  J&P were the growers, but they went bankrupt and the new owners aren't selling Barbara now.  It took some looking, but I found that Otto, etc. has her, but they don't deliver.

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