Sunday, May 6, 2012

Checking the new brood box, etc.

I took a look into the hive today to see what was happening in the new brood box and to switch out the drone frame.
The two medium supers are pretty full of honey, still.  I guess I could have harvested more last fall.  I know there can be a spring harvest, too, and I need to investigate that.  I think I'll want some  of the honey for the nuc so that I won't need to feed them sugar-water.  Of course, I don't know if that will work either, but I'll find out.
Speaking of nuc, Jeremy emailed me today suggesting that I pick up my nuc this Wednesday, about 7 PM.   A bit of a problem there, as we rehearse every night this week in preparation for the concert this weekend.  He mentioned that someone from Monterey was pinking up a nuc that day.  I asked him if perhaps the Montereian could get mine, too, and then I'd have a much shorter drive.  I hope that can be arranged.  I had been looking forward to meeting Jeremy and asking him lots of questions.
Back to the hive: The drone frame had some capped cells and uncleaned cells from before.  In the picture you can see old cells, some dead (black) pupae, fresh capped cells and white larvae.
Section of drone frame
 I took out about 1/2 dozen pupa and saw a mite on only one.  These pupae were still pretty immature, i.e., no distinct head yet.
There were 4 frames with brood, either capped or larva, and I saw my queen.
I put the first coat of paint on the back shelf; second coat tomorrow.  It's not necessary to paint the shelf, but doing so satisfies my compulsiveness
Put the sticky board in.
After I had started to put things away, I went back to the hive to look at some spilt honey and got stung on the back of my head at the hairline- #2.

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