Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hive #3 seems to be holding its own

I took a look into #3 a few days ago.  There was clear nectar in some frames in the top box, presumably from the sugar syrup.  In the bottom box were smallish patches of brood on two frames, much as I had seen on previous inspections.   There was a good amount of beebread.  I saw the queen, again.  The population seems about the same size, which is better than declining.  I hope that in the spring the size of the colony will rapidly grow.  If it doesn't, I'll probably transplant a couple of frames from the stronger hives.
After we had returned from our trip, I scraped out the honey that remained in the extractor.  I left the barrel out for the bees to clean up.  The girls didn't find it until the second day, which was warmer than the day before.  Perhaps the warmth let the honey aroma spread.
Lots of bees visiting the barrel

Lined up around the pool of honey

Same view as above, 1/2 hour later.

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