Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hives #1 and #2 holding their own, as well

A couple of days before Thanksgiving I looked into hives #1 and #2.  #1 seems to be the strongest of all with lots of bees.  There is even some nectar in the cells in the super.  The queen was seen in the top brood box with some brood.  The bottom brood box is mostly empty comb.  As I recall, the queen has always been spotted in the top brood box, although I have seen brood in the bottom box before.  Since this hive is so strong, I'll take brood from it (in the spring) if #3 needs help.  I'm also planning on trying to raise a queen, and I'll use #1 for stock.
#2 seems stable with a modestly sized colony.  I spotted the queen in the bottom box.
I put entrance reducers into both hives.
Hey! What happened to our door?

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