Sunday, December 15, 2013

New nucs built

This spring I intend to start some nucs in order to raise new queens.  There are many reasons for doing so as well as many methods.  One method is the "walk-away split".  Since this looks to be the simplest, I plan to do this.  Thus the need for nuc boxes.  Hive #1 seems to be the strongest, so I'll use it.  I can't wait until spring to get going.
I built the boxes using these plans.
The project went pretty well, just a few snags:  Karly helped me getting the sheet of plywood.  We tied it onto the roof of the Prius, but then realized we had tied the doors shut.  The printer did not print out the "1"s, so when I cut the pieces, I measured 9-1/8" instead of 19-1/8".  Fortunately, the remaining wood was big enough to cut all the parts.
All pieces cut and ready for assembly

The finished product

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