Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Split not made
Picture not of my hive

Yesterday morning I went into the hives for various tasks.
First, in #3, I removed the Apivar strips, did a quick scan for queen cells (I saw none.  Remember, this is the hive I took the queen and young bees from in order to populate Olea's hive.)  I removed the entrance reducer and put on a honey super.
Then it was time for #2.  I needed to remove the Apivar strips, remove the entrance reducer and put on a honey super, but more-so, I wanted to make a split.  This was to go into a 5-frame nuc and eventually into hive #1.
I intended to make the split in the same way I made one before with Kathy Niven.  Into the nuc box I would put three frames of capped brood, one with the queen on it, one frame with honey and pollen and one empty frame.  Of course, I had to make sure that there was in the hive a frame with eggs and 1-3 day old larvae.  The bees would need to make their new queen from those.
I first looked into the bottom box.  There was a lot of capped and uncapped brood, but I could not find the queen.  I looked through the top box.  The frames there had lots of capped honey and some brood in the bottom 1/4 cells, but no queen.
I know she is in there and laying.  I did not see any queen cells either, just a few empty queen cups.
I will take a look again in a week and try to make the split then.  Since there were no queen cells, I do not expect them to swarm in the next week.

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