Sunday, June 7, 2015

I just had to look today

Olea's swarmed 10 or 11 days ago.  I was anxious to see how it was doing, so I figured I had waited long enough.
I looked through the hive starting a couple of bars from the back all the way to the front.  There were a lot of drones, empty cells that looked like they had contained brood in the past.  No queen.  No larvae seen and no eggs appreciated.  I did see 3 uncapped queen cells.  There were a few capped cells that looked like drone cells on one of the back combs.
The usual question: What is going on? 
One must have faith in nature.  The bees know what they are doing.  I know that at least one queen has emerged.  Perhaps it is just too soon for her to have mated, started laying and the larvae large enough for me to see.  I will wait at least another week.  I have one nuc to fall back on if there is a need for a queen. (Only one nuc left; I sold the other one yesterday to a Ben Lomond beek.)

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