Monday, September 21, 2015

Hot weather and they are thirsty

It has been very hot here so the bees have needed a lot of water.  They have started visiting the water station I provided for them.  I need to refill it every couple of days.
Today I went into #3 in order to remove the Apivar strips I put in 6 weeks ago.  Of course, I looked around the rest of the hive as well.
In the top box there was some capped and unripe honey.  I suspect that it is made mainly from the sugar syrup they have been fed.  There was some brood, and, surprisingly to me, some areas of drone cells.  
Drone cells in the center and capped honey around
Perhaps it is the unusual weather.  I did not see the queen, but I believe she is doing well because I saw very young (2-3 day old) larvae
Surprisingly because this is when drone production should have stopped.
There was also good pollen stores.
Conclusions:  #3 is doing well and I need to continue feeding.

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