Thursday, October 1, 2015

Olea's hive seems to be doing well

It was time to remove the Apivar strips from Olea's hive a couple of days ago and I took the opportunity to look through the combs.
The bees have been eating the hard sugar patties I made.  It takes them several days to finish off a patty, unlike their cousins in hives #1-3 who go through a half-gallon of syrup in a day.
There was honey in bars 11-16.  Some were almost filled with capped honey and the rest had all or mostly uncapped honey cells.  There was brood on bars 4-10;  I did not see the queen.
I have no more patties and I filled the other hives feeders today.  I will not feed them again for a few days (we will be out of town) and will check how they are doing towards the end of the week.  They just might have enough honey stores to get them through until the eucalyptus bloom.

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