Saturday, June 25, 2016

At last, some good news

Yesterday it was time to look into Olea's hive to see if there was a laying queen.  In a top bar hive, the bees will partially attach some of the comb to side walls.  If one does not cut it free before moving the bar, the comb will break.  (I can attest to that).  I had been using a steak knife to cut the comb but I recently purchased a top bar hive tool which I used yesterday for the first time.  It was easier than the steak knife but it still required careful use.
Anyway... I first smoked the bees as Olea's colony has been feisty.  Instead of starting at the back, I looked in the window and located a bar that was not yet completely drawn (#13 I think) removed it and set it in the little space behind the follower board.  I did it this way because I do not have a top bar comb stand (or here) and I wanted to avoid a repeat of the comb falling onto the ground.  I removed and inspected each comb moving towards the front of the hive.  The bees were easily aroused and I did not hesitate to use more smoke.  On #10 I saw larvae and on #9 I saw the queen!  Her phenotype suggests that she has carniolan genes as she is darker and a bit smaller than a typical italian and a little larger than a carni.  Of course, I am not 100% certain that Olea's swarmed and that this is a new queen, but that is a reasonable assumption.  And if she is new, I hope that the personality of the colony will change for the better as their present demeanor is unpleasant.
#2 is still not strong but there is excellent brood pattern in both brood boxes.  I did not see the queen.
I did not inspect #3 but checked its honey production.  The top super had moderate honey but the side frames were still empty.  I deliberated whether to add a super and finally decided to do so.  I went to the shed, grabbed a new super with frames and put it on.  However, the bottom of the frame was uneven and left a gap.  (I will have to even it out somehow.)  Back to the shed for a different super.  Took one out and saw that 3 frames in it had honey in the cells as well as ants all over.  Shook all the ants off, scraped off propolis and burr wax, added 7 more frames and put the super on #3 which now has three supers.  I think the fall harvest will be good.

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