Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Piles of drones

I went into #3 today, primarily to see if there was enough honey stored for me to be able to take some- there was not.  But here is what I did see.
The top super had no honey nor any new drawn comb.  I will take it off the hive tomorrow; I placed the escape board under it when I reassembled the hive.  The lower super had  both capped and uncapped honey, maybe 2-3 pounds.  Remember, the bees need about 40 pounds to get through the winter.
There was brood in the top brood box and I even saw some eggs.  Of note, there were subjectively a lot fewer drones about and only a small area of drone brood.
I spotted the queen in the bottom brood box.  There was some brood in the bottom but I only looked at about half the frames.
What was especially interesting was what was on the bottom of the hive- piles of dead drones!  (Sorry, I did not have my camera with me this time.)  This is the time of year when the workers start evicting the drones; their work is done for the year and now they will just use up precious resources.  I think the workers stop allowing them to eat, so they starve.  The undertaker bees must be finding it difficult to keep up, hence the piles of corpses.  I expect that if there were not so many yellow jackets scavenging around the apiary that I would see many more drone corpses on the ground.
I am considering the need to feed the bees because of the surprising lack of honey.

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