Saturday, September 16, 2017

The bees are buzzing!

There were a couple of projects to do today.  I wanted to put the Apiguard in the hives and take off the extra supers of #1 and 2.  Things went smoothly.  However, when I went to put the supers in the shed, I saw that one had some uncapped honey.  I decided to leave the super out for the bees to eat.

There were bees flying all over the yard, even around the deck by the trellis.  Then I what they were doing.
There was still a lot of buzzing in the yard and I saw it was coming from #3.
By the time I finished with these videos (it took quite a while to edit, save and upload), things had quieted down.
A few bees still looking for honey

Hive #3's entrance

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