Tuesday, March 19, 2019

bees scouting the bait box

This is a close-up of the entrance to the bait box yesterday.  Today there is even more activity around the trapwith bees doing what looks like orientation flights and some guarding.  I took a look inside and there were many bees crawling around.  I tried unsuccessfully to see in which direction they were arriving and leaving.  If I had identified a "bee line"  I would have tried to find the swarm; that is if these are scouts from a swarm.  Assuming they are, I am hopeful that a swarm will be moving in soon.  However, check out this thread.
I attended a Bee Cafe meeting with Laura, a beekeeper to be.  The Sonoma County Beekeepers Association apparently has clusters and the meet at various homes.  The people were lovely and the food was delicious.  I learned about a swarm trap made from pulp pots and made one as soon as I could on returning home.

 All the holes but one are plugged with foam padding.  Inside is a piece of slumgum and a couple of drops of lemongrass oil.  The two pots are held together with wood screws.
I hung it in a tree in front.

After this picture was taken, I secured it to the tree with twine.
One needs to check this trap daily.  When a swarm moves into a new hive, it begins building comb right away.  Moving them would be difficult once there is comb.

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