Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Extended-realease oxalic acid

For some time, oxalic acid has been used to control mites.  It is effective, safe and does not affect the honey and does not seem to hurt the bees.  It is very effective at killing phoretic mites.  It is usually applied by a dribble or vaporization.  One drawback is that it does not penetrate into the capped brood where the mites are developing.  Randy Oliver, whom I have mentioned in many blogs, has been working on a way to deliver oxalic acid over an extended period of time.  This link will take you to his progress report. 
I did a second alcohol wash mite count on  #1 4 days ago- 15 mites, or 5%.  This is definitely above my treatment threshold.  The next day I prepared and applied oxalic acid impregnated shop towels as per Randy Oliver.  The following morning I saw evidence that the bees were chewing up the towel on the tray below the screen bottom.

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