Wednesday, July 10, 2019

First extended oxalic acid follow-up

I wanted to see how much of the shop towel the bees had removed, so I took a look into the hives a couple of days ago.
The bees had chewed nearly none of the towel in #2 & 3.
Hive #3
Hive #2
These hives had only a deep box so I do not think the bees had much of an incentive to get the towels out of there way.
However, the towel in #1, which has supers above the towel, was nearly half gone.
Hive #1
The frames in both 2 and 3 were full of bees,as you can see in the pictures.  I put a super on each.  Now it seems that my new configuration will be one deep and one medium for brood.  Of course, this may change back to two deeps.
As previously mentioned, I want to build a long lang.  It dawned on me that I could probably use the board from my extra deeps.  This would obviate the need to cut rabbets
On another note, I am committed to reaping some grapes this year.  Just see the birds get them now!

The are over 60 bags each around a grape cluster.

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