Friday, June 17, 2011

Queen laying

No picture today.
It was overcast and a bit cool today. My girls didn't seem to mind; they were calm. The only time they weren't calm was when they were queenless. It makes all the difference. My daughter Laura went into the hive with me. She found it fascinating.
There was comb being drawn in some of the frames in the super.
Most of the cells in the transplanted brood frame had hatched. I moved it over one more space.
The queen was seen on a frame with lots of capped cells. I also saw a lot of larvae. I haven't yet spotted any eggs. Kathy told me she has never seen an egg. I intend to bring a magnifying glass with me on an inspection.
The brood frame was just as described in the books. In the center are the capped cells, then, moving outwards, the larvae, empty cells (probably some with eggs), then pollen, then honey.
No wax drawn on the two outermost frames.

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