Friday, June 10, 2011

Things are looking good

There she is, my new queen. (The one with the white spot, in case you weren't sure.) The bees seemed happy and calm. I was more calm, too, in my new bee suit.
The transplanted brood frame is still mostly capped. I moved it over one space closer to the edge. Ultimately I hope to get it to the very edge and then replace it with a new frame.
My nephew, Noah, was visiting and went into the hive with me. I wore the heavy leather gloves that I got from Dadant. I found them clumsy, and now I wear the rubber gloves that Noah has on.
I removed the entrance feeder. The bees aren't even going through a quart in 3 days and they are making lots of honey. Those are capped honey cells in the picture.
In my yard the bees are all over the blackberry blossoms and the lavender.

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