Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Treating for varroa mite

After much debate, I decided to treat the hive with formic acid. I ordered a box of 10 treatments (the smallest available) and it came last week. The formic acid has a strong acid smell that many of you will recall from chemistry lab.
It arrived after Maidi and I left for a brief trip to Las Vegas, where we saw Cirque du Soleil, Love. Then on into Utah to the Red Mountain Resort for a couple of days of hiking, swimming, biking, stretching and massage.
Today was the first opportunity to treat. The instructions say to have 7 days of between 50 and 95 degrees. The weather forecast looks like this will be the case. So into the hive!
All I did was to take off the 2 top supers and place the strips on the hive, then remove the entrance reducer and put the hive back together. I also placed the sticky sheet so that I can gleefully see how many mites die and drop off. The strips stay in for seven days, so next Monday I'll take them out.

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