Sunday, January 1, 2012

Honey for the new year

Over the past days, I have seen the bees bringing in lots of pollen. Since pollen is important for brood, I wondered what was going on in the hive. Today was very warm and the bees were quite active, so I decided to take a look.

In the top super, there were 5 1/2 frames of capped honey. I again considered taking some.
In the middle supper were 8 frames of capped honey.

Here is a view looking onto the brood box. You can see bees eating honey from broken cells. The white stuff is powdered sugar left over from the mite counts. There is also one dead bee. I found a few others, as well.

In the brood box, I saw my queen (not pictured.) There were still two frames of brood, no more than on last inspection.
The white things in the open cells are larvae.

I didn't see much stored pollen. I expect that is because I don't know what I'm looking for.

The quality of the photos is not up to the usual Maidi-standard, as I took them myself. It's difficult to get a good angle wearing a bee suit and sticky rubber gloves.

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