Monday, January 30, 2012

Bridge to the bees

The plywood board I was using to cross the dry creek was meant to be only temporary. This past week I got around to building a bridge.I made a plan, then went to the lumber yard for wood and concrete. There, after discussing my plan with the yard manager, I made some suggested changes. This involved three posts on a side rather than two and 2x6 joists rather than 2x4. This would make the bridge higher than I had wanted, so I would need a step.
So, after careful calculations and lining up, the post holes were dug.
Here are the posts in their holes ready for concrete.While digging the holes, I received my first bee sting from my girls (right eyebrow). I guess all the banging and thumping by a large creature so near the hive was upsetting the guard bees. After that, I wore a bee helmet and net. That was too uncomfortable, so I lit the smoker and did the rest of the construction in a cloud of smoke.
Here it is, ready for the planks with the posts in concrete, the joists attached with lag bolts and the step cut out.
Getting all the supplies only took one extra trip for lumber and two trips to the hardware store.
Here is the finished bridge. And it works!

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