Thursday, March 29, 2012

I couldn't wait to look

Today, as I was watching my bees come and go from the hive, I was overcome by curiosity- what is going on in there?  It was a warm day, I'll be gone tomorrow and it's supposed to rain Saturday, I work Sunday, so... into the hive I went.
I was surprised at the large number of bees; I would expect the population to be noticeably smaller in a dying colony.
On the drone frame were many larva and a couple of dozen  capped drone cells.  I decided to leave it in for another week.  I could also see several drones.
Then I took a look at the brood frames, and on both sides of one frame was a hand-sized patch of capped brood cells!  I looked and looked for a queen, to no avail.  However, I doubt my ability to spot an unmarked queen.
Now I have to assume that if there are capped brood cells, there is a laying queen in there.  And, I believe, there were more capped cells than the larvae I saw on last inspection.  I would love to have had the camera with me.
I already emailed Jeremy to ask for his opinion.  I will post his reply.
I also scraped the honey comb off the frame that was in the house and put the sticky frame back into the hive for the girls to clean up.

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