Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Honey extractor built

A while back I decided to build my own honey extractor since the ones for sale are so expensive. I searched online and found several posts about making honey extractors. Nearly all of them used the same plan, namely bicycle wheels to hold the frames in some sort of barrel. I didn't want to go shopping for bicycle wheels or a big enough barrel. Finally I found this post. I liked the simplicity of the design.
Instead of wood for the discs, I bought a polyethylene cutting board at Goodwill. I figured it would be easier to clean. I got a plastic garbage can at Orchard, a threaded rod and nuts and washers. It only took a couple of hours to cut and assemble. Putting the rod into a power drill like a bit, I could spin the discs at high speed. The rod was a little wobbly, so I put a couple of bolts through the ends of the perforated plate to hold it in place. (I intend to replace them with something more aesthetically pleasing.) Things looked good, so I put a couple of empty frames in. This is the result:
There was only a small clearance between the frame and the edge of the can and since there was still a little wobble and the frames move a bit, they smashed against the side.
I figured I could either get a bigger barrel or move the slits on the discs closer to the center, deciding on the latter.
New cutting board, re-cut discs,take off old discs, put it all back together, spin with frames in place and success!
Here are the parts and the extractor assembled
I will order a honey gate from Dadant and we'll have honey this fall.

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