Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hey, wha' happened?

Robert is wearing the bee suit for confidence
Yesterday evening, with the help of Maidi and Robert (visiting from Greenfield, New Hampshire), I  rearranged Olea's hive by raising it 16+ inches.  Now it will be more comfortable to inspect and, more importantly, easier to look in the observation window.
Olea's hive on its new stand with the observation window opened
 Maidi and Robert lifted the hive and I put a board on top to the bricks.  Then the old hive stand was put on the board and the hive set on top.  I placed each leg of the table into shallow plastic containers (saved by Maidi from the Whole Foods deli) that I will fill with water or oil to keep out ants.  I'll also make some protective screens like I did for the other hive stand.  Here is the entire apiary

Today, I checked out the activity at Olea's hive.  Many of the returning foragers were flying around where the old entrance had been and even landing on the board.  Wha' happened?

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