Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday afternoon

It's a clear, calm and warm afternoon.  So, what are the girls up to?  Let's take a look.
These movies are today, one without sound and one a bit out of focus.  I haven't yet figured out the details of my camera.
I got a better movie of Olea's hive doing orientation flights last week.
Here's where they were doing in our yard.

 Getting pollen from the roses.  Here she's visiting Timeless.  She's a bit difficult to see, but she's there.

 And here's another one trying to get into First Prize.
On the Spanish lavender



 They are all over the lavender.
 They really like the salvia.  I often refer to it as sage; it is in the same family.
 There will always be several on the Dahlias, often more than one at a time on the the florets.

 This is the cascading oregano.  In an earlier blog, I related how I'd discovered that it was this flower that was making a white mark on the bees' thorax.
 They like the agapanthus even though I don't particularly.  The deer like them, too, and eat all the blossoms in the front.

With all the attention to the cantaloupe flowers, I hope to get some fruit this year.

And, of course, the blackberries.  This year is going to be a huge crop.  Momma made the first batch of jam today.  I have 5-pounds of berries to make blackberry/honey beer.  I started it yesterday and it's fermenting now with a steady bop, bop, bop, bop.  It should be ready for consumption in about 4 weeks.

Mais oui, the girls love the the French lavender, aussi

 I don't often see them on the lavatera.
                                               There are bumblebees in the yard also
 One of the girls pollinating a lemon cucumber.  There will be a big crop of these this year, too.  I planted three hills.  I'm going to try pickling them.  I made bread and butter pickles with one of the green cucumbers a few days ago.
On the bidens in the front.

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