Saturday, July 7, 2012

What to do about mites?

I did a 3-day sticky board count today.  The old hive had 5 mites (1.67/day) and the new hive had 19 mites (6.3/day).  Interesting and perhaps valuable data, but, how do I interpret it?  This isn't the first time I wondered about this.
So, back online to Scientific Beekeeping.  I reread a couple of articles and came across a new table.  Also a reference to a Varroa count calculator at a British site, Beebase.I can also dust with powdered sugar, which I think is most effective in the fall.  I am using drone frames already, but the new hive hadn't drawn comb on the drone frame last week.  I did put in an old frame (with dead drone pupae), so perhaps the queen will lay some drone eggs and when I remove it in two weeks, it will be full of pupae with their attendant mites.

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