Saturday, July 21, 2012

What's new in the new hive

I went into the new hive this afternoon.  Here are the findings from the top down.
There is a small amount of nectar and capped honey in the supers.  These are the eight frames with drawn comb, the ones from which the honey was extracted.  No comb drawn on the two added frames.
There is no drawn comb in the top brood box.
In the bottom brood box, there are a lot of bees.  Very little comb on the frames I added to the nuc.  On the drone frame, empty cells, some with nectar.
There are 3-4 frames with capped brood and larvae.  And I spotted the queen.  She looks like the one in Olea's hive.  I assume she developed after the second swarm and, obviously, successfully mated.
By the way, I saw the bees on the Oak Leaf Hydrangea.  They had white pollen on their legs.

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