Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hive no. 2 is looking good

One frame of brood from hive #2
Five days ago I inspected hive 2.  It looks like its doing well.  There was lots of brood in both boxes, mostly in the bottom box.  I spotted the queen, too.  I took out the drone frame and replaced it with a foundationless frame that I had prepared it by removing the foundation from a frame and putting beeswax in the groove that held the foundation in the top.  Most foundationless frames have a wedge in the top similar to the top-bar tops.  We'll see how this works, like everything else.
There didn't seem to be any new wax drawn, but there were 2 frames with honey in the top box.  The hive looks healthy with all that brood.
I checked the drone pupae for mites.  Out of 17 pupae checked I found 0 mites!

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