Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spring is here again

The flowering cherry tree

It has been in the 70's for the past couple of days.  Many trees and flowers are blossoming and the bees look busy.  Most of the foragers head south after leaving the hive.  Today Maidi and I took a look into #2.  We wanted to see how things were going after the brood transplant 8 days ago.
We used smoke because Maidi was wearing the light bee jacket.  Hive #2 had been getting mad if I poked around too much.  The population seemed a bit larger, although that is a subjective observation and subject to bias.  We spotted the queen.  The central area of the transplanted frame had hatched and there was even young larvae in many of the cells.  Three frames altogether had brood, but only the central parts of the frame were involved.  There were still 4 frames without bees, so even though I had another brood box on hand, I did not add it to the hive.
It was hot, in the 70's, so many bees were fanning on the porch to cool off the hive.  How many fanners can you see?
We checked the weight of the super on #1.  The girls had rebuilt  the brace comb that I had so tediously scraped off at last visit, so first I had to pry the box loose.  It felt pretty heavy, so without looking to see how much honey there was, we simply added another super.
Now #2 is a single deep box and #1 has two deep boxes and two medium supers.
There will be raspberries

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