Saturday, August 29, 2015

No honey for the bees, either

This past week I took a look into hives #2 and 3.  There was a good brood pattern, but no honey!  I recall that there had been a few frames with capped honey in the deep boxes but the bees must have eaten it all.
It has been a poor summer for honey production because of the drought.  I heard a report from the Beekeepers Guild that no one is getting honey this fall.  I thought the girls would do okay if I took only the honey in the supers, but I guess I was mistaken.  So the poor bees must be hungry.
I made up some 1:1 sugar syrup and put the top feeders into 2&3.  Since I only have 2 top feeders, I put the entrance feeder in #1.  The bees emptied both top feeders, a half-gallon, in less than one day and I have been filling them daily for the past 3 days and the entrance feeder twice a day.  Today, it looks like they may have slowed down a bit. 
I also put the entrance reducers in to help control robbing.  In the next days I will make a sugar cake to feed the top bar hive, assuming that it too has a honey shortage even though I did not take any from it.  Time to go to Costco for a 50-pound sack of sugar.
The bees are going regularly to the dish I have for water supply.  I put sand in it over the rocks and pebbles.  I have to keep an eye on it and keep it moist.

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